Is it normal to have this fear of being stuck behind the bathroom door ?

Is it normal that i have this big fear of being stuck/locked behind a door in a bathroom or in a changing or fitting room? , that's why i never lock the bathroom door nor the changing room , unless the lock is very easy to unlock ,but even if it is .. i am scared of locking it .

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Ldizzy1234

    Interesting. I kinda feel the same way. Not enough for me to call it a fear, but the thought has come to mind before.

    This might sound kinda weird. But I used to always think up plans before I would go into public restrooms in case the door does get a little stuck. Like when I was younger, in a bathroom stall, I knew if the door got stuck I could always crawl under the opening at the bottom.

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  • footprints

    Lol i thought i was the only one! It has something to do with being closterphibic (or how ever you spell it)

    I cant go to the [public] toilet by myself, especially if theres no window!

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  • curiousd

    As long as you have a cell phone with you I don't think you need to fear being locked in the bathroom or fitting room. You should lock the door.

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