Is it normal to have tics?

Hi, was wondering if it was normal to have tourettes syndrome?

I have many different tics, and they change and get better or worse whenever they want. I have no control over the movements and twitches my body does. if I dont do them, it drives me crazy and the feeling builds up until I do. it usually is worse when I try to hold it in.

most of my tics involve a head jerk, a slight hum, clapping and eye blinking.. my hands and eyes do there own thing 90% of the time. No control over those suckers.

I get sore and tired from them and more often then not, become completely disabled by them. Is this normal? Does anyone else suffer from tics or have coexisting OCD?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 16 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • CountessDouche

    I wouldn't say Tourette's is normal only because it's statistically effects approx. 3 in brother's best friend, who was, for all intents and purposes, a family member grew up with very, very severe Tourette's and OCD...he did undergo behavioral therapy, and although I don't know the exact details, his symptoms became noticeably manageable...he just got his PhD and has a full time teaching job at Dartmouth. I do think, scratch that, KNOW that it's possible to have a normal life with this condition.

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    • GoogliePuff

      Ha yeah I have had to miss work & school due to my tics becoming out of control. I am only recently recieving treatment for it and so far things have only gotten worse. Only 2 weeks in though, so who knows what may play out after a few months. But yay! I am really happy for your brothers friend. That gives me hope, I appreciate it.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I have got tourettes too. head jerks, humming and arm twitching+ joint popping are my main tics. I am surprised to see a post here about this(: I'm not alone!

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  • Dulse.

    It's not normal, but don't feel like it's bad or anything. Try not to worry about it too much, it's out of your control. It really is difficult to overcome, best thing to do is make peace with it. Don't fight with yourself. I hope this helps you out.

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    • GoogliePuff

      thank you. it did help, I appreciate it.

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