Is it normal to have very vivid and weird sex dreams right before

I started having these weird ass sex dreams on thursday night to now (Sunday morning) i think this may be a lil since I just started my period this morning, so I'm assuming some fluctuation in hormones is disturbing my REM cycle since I've been getting insomnia and when i do wake up, (1.5-3hrs later) I'm extremely sexually charged.

The dreams are also unlike anything I've really done or shown interest in sex-wise, they're just insane rough fucking, choking, some hitting and then getting pounded like a mallard duck :-O

I woke up Saturday morning with LOTS of fluid in my underwear and was breathing heavy. I've masturbated a few times to help ease but it's only grown my appetite so i backed off :/
I don't masturbate on my period because it grosses me out, but if my hormones and sleep schedule don't plateau soon idk what I'm gonna do.

Is it normal to have strong sexual day-dreams, fantasies, frequent thoughts and vivid and oddly satisfying aggressive/violent sexual dreams?

I hope i don't get banned lol it's just never happened before. And the same person (who i don't even know) keeps appearing in both the conscience and REM dreams/fantasies.
Wtf...whoever this dude is...whoa lol!

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Comments ( 3 )
  • MegaOof

    Yeah my girlfriend gets really horny right before her period

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  • Protagoras

    I dunno... any change in diet? Exercising more? Watching a lot of BDSM porn? Anything different lately that could be causing this?

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    • Oddly enough, nope. Just my cycle started up (then stopped yesterday) and no not pregnant lol.

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