Is it normal to hear voices?
I've had different voices in my head since I was around 13, some of them have either left or are still with me, though they don't leave often and I've always had them with me.
The most different voices I've had was around 5 or 6, I have had a voice that talks me down and tells me to kill people, but the others aren't like that, some of them are actually pretty nice and help me.
They aren't always constantly talking, some don't even really like talking to me and will just sometimes comment on what I'm doing/saying. I've given some of the voices in my head names because it makes them easier to keep track of.
I know the voices are not my thoughts because their tone of voices are all different, and I have conversations with them.
I know it's probably not normal but what do you think? I have never told anyone in real life about this because I'm scared they will think I'm crazy and force me to go to a doctor, as most of the voices are friendly and I don't really have any problems or stress, except for maybe one or two but the others help me to stop them telling me to kill people and stuff. Take note though that I would never do anything like that, I just tell the voices to shut up and they usually go quiet or throw a hissy fit.