Is it normal to hear voices?

I've had different voices in my head since I was around 13, some of them have either left or are still with me, though they don't leave often and I've always had them with me.

The most different voices I've had was around 5 or 6, I have had a voice that talks me down and tells me to kill people, but the others aren't like that, some of them are actually pretty nice and help me.

They aren't always constantly talking, some don't even really like talking to me and will just sometimes comment on what I'm doing/saying. I've given some of the voices in my head names because it makes them easier to keep track of.

I know the voices are not my thoughts because their tone of voices are all different, and I have conversations with them.

I know it's probably not normal but what do you think? I have never told anyone in real life about this because I'm scared they will think I'm crazy and force me to go to a doctor, as most of the voices are friendly and I don't really have any problems or stress, except for maybe one or two but the others help me to stop them telling me to kill people and stuff. Take note though that I would never do anything like that, I just tell the voices to shut up and they usually go quiet or throw a hissy fit.

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35% Normal
Based on 26 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • yfhudsk

    No, this is not normal. This could be a sign of a severe mental illness or brain damage. You need to see a professional to make sure you don't have serous underlying issues.

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  • Salina12

    Is it a spirit or is it you might be cuckoo for coco puffs!:-)

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  • Grimtruth

    You going to kill people and eat them....

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    • gross no i'm not a cannibal and killing is illegal

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  • Heyitsaboy

    A long time ago a friend of mine had a voice it his head it was violent and merely tolerated my existence he even named himself Vinny he even hated my friend who's existence he was forced to deal with but eventually he faded away ever since then for some strange reason I wish I had a voice it my head so I always had someone to talk to all of the time

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  • ThePurplePanda

    You might have schizophrenia like myself. Does anyone in your family have it?

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  • Psychestoned

    Yeah I think it's normal. Ever since I started smoking cannabis often, tripping on LSA (especially LSA) and DXM, I occasionally hear whispers at night but I know it's just my mind. I started using hallucinogens when I was 13 as well (you prob didn't but I was 13).

    I believe in spirits and what you're saying, it does sound like spirits. I feel dissociated from reality most of the time, especially at night.

    If you go to a docter, they will probably diagnose you with psychosis. Psychosis is common, despite most people saying it isn't. Psychosis is mostly the feeling of being dissociated from this reality, like it's dreamy and like you're viewing life behind a filter that blocks it.

    Psychosis isn't a bad thing, most people think it is. It does have it's advantages such as enhanced creativity and trippy thoughts that most people cannot even come up with.

    I beleive I have a mild form of psychosis but have not been diagnosed. I do not want to label myself as psychotic and you probably don't either. Just don't see a docter unless the negative voices become too much of a distraction.

    Stay away from any hallucinogenic plant or drug unless you want to contact those voices. Cannabis will make them a lot more audible, perhaps slightly visible when you close your eyes. DXM + DPH will make them visible and audible, while feeling completely normal. LSA will make it so you can go to the spirit world (in extreme doses) and directly contact them.

    SO deliriant hallucinogens will bring them into this world (eg Datura, DPH etc), dissociative hallucinogens will bring them into your mind (eg PCP, ketamine, DXM) and psychedelic hallucingens will bring you to them (eg LSD, cannabis, LSA, DMT, mescaline, shrooms).

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  • Brett_Keane

    Don't worry individual, I hear the voices situations all the time. They tell me to beat my wife Dorn and my water-headed children individuals.

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  • Sophie12345

    Just don't be afraid of what you are hearing. Maybe it's a sign of something.

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  • Sophie12345

    I think it's pretty normal for some persons to hear voices. Maybe you have the ability to hear particular voices. I think it's creepy and crazy but if you tell anybody else, I don't know, they are going to think you are crazy. But in my own opinion this is normal. I believe in paranormal things like hearing voices, spirits, and that stuff.

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    • Onlinegamerppo2

      I like i I have a voice in my head but I constinly dealing with paranormal i bileave a kittin i killed as a a 5he old is haunting me then I got slender man my old house was haunted and I think this new on is to or the sport followed me btw in only 14 plz don't tell

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      • Birdprince

        slenderman isn't real

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