Is it normal to help the homeless?
My friend and I like to help homeless people on the weekends. We do things like give them food or blankets, but the thing is our parents think we are stupid for doing this because they think that they will take advantage of us. we realize that this was true when we gave one a blanket and he asked for a pillow. This made me very mad so I went into the store across the street from where he was sitting at, and I cut a two liter Coke bottle in half and proceeded to piss and shit in it. We then drove back to where that homeless man was and I said I don't have a pillow but I got 20 bucks if you want that. I held it out the window for him to come get he and he had the biggest smile on his face. He thought I had just made his day, until he got to my car and I yanked the $20 bill back and slung that urine and shit all over him. We drove off laughing and pointing. we've decided that this is how we will help the homeless people from now on. To sling caca all over them