Is it normal to idealize and become attached to people just to dislike them later?
I've found myself having recurring issues with the way I deal with friendships and specially romantic relationships.
I will meet someone new, and if they cause a good impression I might just 100% like them and want to talk to them and be around them all of the time. Sometimes I might almost instantly develop romantic feelings for them.
Once I get to know them a bit more and find a couple of things that I might dislike from them I begin a process of just devaluing my appreciation and interest on them to a point in which I might go from really liking them to not wanting to talk to them anymore.
One example was in my two last relationships, when at first I had total devotion to my partners and couldn't stop talking to them 24/7, and after not long I found they disagreed with me on certain stuff, or that they did or thought things that I didn't like, or that they didn't like some of the things I did, which ended up ruining my idealization of them and ended up driving me to neglecting them or treating them slightly different, which naturally led them to abandon me.