Is it normal to ignore a crying baby for 2 hours?
Every day since he had to work days, my step dad has been screaming at his daughter(about 5 months old). Every time the kid starts crying, he'd always yell something along the lines of "shut the fuck up," or "go to fucking sleep." My mom is never home because she works two jobs. And the only other one's here are my 7 year old brother and I.
She'd been crying for about 2 hours straight. She's stopped crying since, but probably because she's so exhausted. And he got so pissed off because "she wouldn't eat." After he tried for not even two minutes. I tried, but before I went in there(he was playing his game, and basically blocking the door) he told me, "don't, she's taking a nap." He had said that while she was crying...
And I know parenting can be tough, but you don't ignore your screaming baby for your damn game. And you definitely don't leave her alone by herself.