Is it normal to imagine yourself dying in your head but not be suicidal

Ok, so when I am driving down the road, I randomly get the urge to yank my steering wheel and crash into a tree, or off a bridge. I can see my car get destroyed and my dead body, the blood, everything. Or like recently, I went to a fountain in Seattle and the sides are steep, and I had the urge to slide face first down it and grate my face on the cement.

I am not suicidal though. I don't actually want to die, I just think of it and imagine it. I also hate blood. It's not even like a creepy obsession with dark things, I don't know what's wrong with me.

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 19 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • rockyrocks

    I thought most people had this? Whenever I'm at a high altitude I'd think: "What if I just jumped off right now?" I never have the intention of doing so. I just think of it and move on.

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    • CountessDouche

      Yep, the term for it is "the call of the void/l'appel du vide" & it's a very common intrusive thought. There are a lot of theories about why people have thoughts like this, OP, but they are very common.

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  • I had this, for some reason I would get a random thought pop into my head about pulling the steering wheel.

    I wouldn't do it, maybe the thought is there because your brain knows if you do it then you'll die, so you don't do it?

    That was when I was depressed though, so maybe just the brain throwing ideas at you for how to self-destruct.

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    • AndrewJacksons4thgrandniece

      Yeah I have been pretty depressed, so maybe thats what is goin on

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  • Flawless

    it's normal to contemplate scenarios

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I think its actually somewhat normal.

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  • BigToe

    Normal. You are probably seeking some kind of attention as well.

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    • AndrewJacksons4thgrandniece

      well it's never something I have spoken aloud before, so I am not sure what kind of attention you are referring to

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      • BigToe

        Maybe imaging yourself dying and family and friends reactions. Thinking about how upset mom will be, how others may miss you. I don't mean you posting this question is seeking attention.

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        • AndrewJacksons4thgrandniece

          Oh ok. I suppose that could make sense. I don't typically think of that though. Like I only imagine the actual event, not the aftermath.

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          • BigToe

            Like the rush? Kinda like bungee jumping.

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            • AndrewJacksons4thgrandniece

              I mean, yeah, I guess so. It's like an odd movie playing in my head, and I just have the urge to do it.

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