Is it normal to judge someone solely on their religious beliefs?

If I meet a Christian I immediately don't like them because they're Christian. Same goes with Muslim, Jewish, or anything else that involves refusing to face reality. I don't consider myself atheist as I do not know what there might be. I just don't think anyone can claim they know

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Tealights

    Basically, you're an intolerant agnostic.

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  • It's normal as in it happens all the time, but it really shouldn't. Not judging you. I just think that you may be having unrealistic ideas about everybody. I'm an atheist, and yes I get annoyed when certain religious people get preachy, but I also know they're not ALL like that. Even the people that occasionally get preachy can be decent people.

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    Do you live on a boat by any chance?

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  • KingTermite

    Some terrible things are done in the name of religion but that hardly means they're all guilty of it. Seems a rather swallow metric to judge them over.

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    • More terrible things are done by people who have no character,moral compass or values of any sort.The 10 commandments (command) people to strive to do the right thing .How much better place would the world be if we all just obeyed ONE of these commandments! It doesn't in any way say you will go to hell if you don't keep every commandment.No one religious or not can do that but we are suppised to genuinely try .Its called a conscious and more and more it seems less and less people have one or even want one.So please stop bashing religion!!!! God bless!

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      • KingTermite

        I didn't bash religion you twat, read what I wrote again.

        The rest of this is rather long, so skip to the end for the tl;dr version...

        And if you're going to speak about religion at least have a clue what you're babbling about. I bet you can't even name the 10 commandments. In fact, I know you can't because there are discrepancies as to what they actually include. Seems far fetched? Hardly, I'll put my theology degree and near encyclopedic knowledge of the Hebrew/Christian/Islamic religions (and many others as well, though they are not important to this discussion) to some use here are point out some flaws.

        1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

        This is from the Talmud (though a few other sects of Christianity use it as #1 as well). Okay then you said follow just one, how does this help society?

        2. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

        Most sects consider this #1, and again, following just one, how does this help society?

        Largely considered 3, Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

        According to the Talmud this is part of #2. And once again, how does following this one help society?

        2 or 3 depending on version: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

        How does this help society?

        3 or 4 depending on version: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

        Hard to see how this helps society, maybe you can explain.

        4 or 5 depending... Honour thy father and thy mother.

        Nice idea I suppose, but what does it even mean? What if you have none? What if their abusive pricks? How does this help?

        I'll give you the killing and such as probably pretty good ideas under most circumstances, though here is something you can't understand: How I Can Just Kill A Man.

        Further on this point, the "good and universal" ideas about killing and adultery, etc. contained in the 10 commandments appear in other texts that predate the Bible, The Code of Hammurabi for example. Hammurabi was a Babylonian king who reigned from 1795 to 1750 B.C, this is approximately 300 years before Moses is purported to have penned the book of Exodus (The version of the 10 commandments and in fact the entire book of Deuteronomy is suspect because Moses is said to have written it and yet he dies before its over, which if it wasn't obvious, it's really hard to write anything when you're dead).

        The odd man out, Samaritan Pentateuch version #10: Ye shall erect these stones which I command thee upon Mount Gerizim

        Could you even find Mount Gerizim on a modern map? How would it help society to erect "these" stones?

        So, there it is, I've shown how 7 of the "10 Commandments" have no effect whatsoever on society, unless you'd care to make a counter argument I'm considering this case closed, and a lesson about why you shouldn't try to get Biblical with a theologian. No one can argue religion with me and win, as I simply know far too much to take an untenable position.

        Here's a parting thought from the ESV version of the Old Testament to ponder...

        Deuteronomy 22:23-24 ESV

        “If there is a betrothed virgin, and a man meets her in the city and lies with her (My own clarification: Essentially this covers rape), then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry for help (My note: why would she cry for help if it wasn't rape?) though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbor's wife. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.

        What was so fucked up about Muslim's and honour killings again? Now you give this some hard thought, I'm off for a night of fornication.

        tl;dr: Don't even think of arguing religion with me, I'll squash you like a bug.

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        • You are a bitter,angry bully! You think you're so about babbling , you pompous ,arogant idiot.People such as yourself can't acknowledge any higher power than your self because you don't want to change.You need to step down off your high horse before you get squashed! Your self hatred and misery screams out to everyone.......theologian.......hahaha !

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          • KingTermite

            Bitter? No. Angry? Hardly. Bully? Well, if you see it that way mate I can't help your feelings of insecurity. If pointing out your incredible lack of understanding of religion is wrong, then I don't want to be right. It's twats like yourself that don't know the Bible spouting about it that turns more people off it than I ever could.

            What's most troubling is your apparent inability to comprehend the written word. At no point did I deny the existence of, well, anything, except perhaps the existence of anything at the end of your brain stem.

            Yes, you twat, one of my degree's is in Theology, the other is Anthropology, both from Cambridge. Arguing either subject with me without substantial education is like bringing a table napkin to a gun fight. It might be helpful in sopping up your own blood but very little else.

            So, if you'd care to (ahem...) refute any of my points then please do so, I'll indulge the effort, otherwise why no quietly fuck off before you embarrass yourself further?

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            • Geez why are you so mean???? Its like you enjoy being mean and putting people down. I don't want to spar with you over religion not because I believe you are some amazing debater or of superior intelligence, but because you have already made up your mind and you would argue with a fence post because you like arguing.You would never get it anyway.So just live in your bubble, and enjoy being mean because you are so very awesome at it !!!!!!!!!

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  • theblackjess

    No, that's stupid.

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  • Leonard_Hatred

    Yeah I get it. I'm the same whenever I meet someone who says, "I don't consider myself atheist as I do not know what there might be. I just don't think anyone can claim they know."

    I immediately don't like them for that reason.

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  • Nitti

    I'm an atheist, and if I did that, I never would have met some of the most important/wonderful people in my life, many of whom became atheists or agnostics later.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    how could yall know when yall meets someone unless yall asks or they volunteers the info

    either ways kinda skeezy

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  • theMonkey

    I immediately think less of someone if I find out that they are religious, but I do not necessarily dislike them. I also agree that it is impossible to know that god does not exist, but it is pretty damn unlikely. It is like believing in Santa. I think that it is totally normal to judge people based on their religion, it happens all the time, but mostly it is believers judging non-believers.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Don't be surprised if other people treat you the same way. They probably won't, but don't be surprised if they do.

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  • unseriousness

    If you straight up dislike someone for their religion, I think you should change your mindset on religious people. You should try see the positives of believing in a religion. I myself am envious of religious people for having something they so strongly believe in.

    If you're looking for the word for it, look up agnosticism (or agnostic)!

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Ignorance is bliss isn't it.

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  • Cheet0

    Nothing to judge here...

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  • Kitt-Katt

    I don't think it is refusing to face reality. I am an atheist, but I am currently taking a writing intensive class on Judaism because I want to understand religion and faith better. I was like you in that I could not understand how someone could believe in all of these strange aspects and complexities of religion without proof. I didn't not like them, but I was confused by them.
    I think people sometimes claim to know out of necessity and fear of the unknown. Its human nature to fear death and not existing, so people try to come up with a way to ease those fears through religion.
    I think you just need to cut religious folks some slack and try to understand them. Research beliefs of religions and try to step into their shoes. Most people start learning their religions through family when they are very tiny. I always think of it like times I was taught things like countries, books, animals and maths I was taught as a small child. When I was being taught the cow goes moo like it was fact, some Christian child was being taught that Jesus saved you like it was fact.

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    • Its called FAITH! If you have faith then you don't need proof! By faith are we saved through grace.God's grace.He loves and wants you to have hope and a future.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Its normal if you want to be as backward as you think they are. I'm not religious but there are many very nice religious ppl and who am I to judge any one for any thing any way. Who are you for that matter. If you don't want to be around it then don't its not that hard to avoid going to church or shut the door if they show up at your house or excuse yourself from the conversation if its about religion.

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