Is it normal to know you're making a mistake but do it anyway?

I have a drinking problem.

I've contained it to just beer and just at my house and one friends house.

But occasionally (like tonight) I'll get a hair across my ass and go out for shots.

I know that it's a mistake and I'll regret it tomorrow, but it's better than sitting alone wishing I was dead.

I don't wanna live sober.

I forgot to eat again today.

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36% Normal
Based on 14 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • DoujinMySchool101

    There are places you can go to rid yourself of the drinking problem, so you never are truly alone.

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    • Where?

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      • lordofopinions

        Alcoholics Anonymous.

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      • DoujinMySchool101

        Use Google, I don't have a drinking problem so idk

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  • RoseIsabella

    Why do you wish you were dead?

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    • There is no purpose for me.

      But that's not the issue, whiskey is the issue!

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      • Boojum

        No, the existence of whiskey is not the issue; why you compulsively drink it is the issue.

        But I'm sure you already know that.

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      • RoseIsabella

        No, you're just trying to self medicate the emotional pain with alcohol. If you can't stop you may very well be an alcoholic though.

        Why do you say there is no purpose for you?

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        • I feel like you are focusing on the wrong parts of my question.
          I just wanna know if people make mistakes and engage in behavior that they know is detrimental to their well being.
          The drinking is just an example of how I do it.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Oh Hell yeah! People are always doing stuff that they know is detrimental and self destructive. In fact I would even stay stupid, self destructive behavior is human nature.

            Last night, and early this morning I ate way too much damn pizza, and now my IBS is making me it's bitch.

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