Is it normal to let my hamster live in a 50 gallon tank?

So, i have a hamster named tom. I care very well for him. Here are the things i have.
-50 gallon tank
-mealworms (freeze dried)
-water bowl
-15 inches of paper bedding
-3 8 inch wheels
-5-10 chew toys
-sand bath
-cardboard hides

IIN? My mom says he has too much room.

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95% Normal
Based on 19 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • SwickDinging

    It hard for somethimg that lives in a tank to have too much room.

    Sounds like you've made him a nice little home.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Yes, give that lil guy the best life, you sound like a good owner.

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  • Boojum

    Wild hamsters forage for miles every night, so I can't imagine that your hamster feels agoraphobic in his tank.

    I've never had one of the critters, but it sounds like there's enough stuff in his tank to keep him from being too bored, and I'd imagine he's happier rummaging around in a big tank than he would be in a smaller one.

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  • Thank you! My mother thought about what hamsters do in the wild, and now shes letting me get gerbils!

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    • DeletThis

      Gerbils are the best. I always wanted a huge habitat like this when I had them as a kid. We tried a glass aquarium for awhile but then there was an outbreak of mites living in the glue holding it together. So plastic from then on. Anyway. Don’t forget the bowl of sand for their dust baths!

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      • hamsters need sand, as dust baths can cause respiratory infections.

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  • Thank you for the good replies. I think he is a dwarf/robo mix, i honestly dont know.

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  • RoseIsabella

    That's a mansion for a little hamster.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I prefer rats.

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    • DeletThis

      I prefer a flan.

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      • RoseIsabella

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  • a-curious-bunny

    animals need alot of room. If someone ever tells you they need less ignore them because they most likley abuse animals probably unintentionally. Ots like people who get rabbits then keep them caged most the time. Go to a prison ask them how they like there cells. Thats what your doing to caged animals. Ranbits can be potty trained and be allowed to free roam like any dog or cat. Hamsters obvy not so so a big cage is a must. Honestly if I was you I'd get another hamster and a way bigger cage so they have someone to be with. Depending on the breed of hamster that is very important

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  • mouldiwarp

    I used to have a Syrian hamster named April that lived for 4 years.

    More room can be good as long as he has places to hide so he doesn’t feel exposed.

    2 mealworms ever other day is good if you have a Syrian hamster, mealworms are high in protein but also contain lots of fat and have a chitinous shell that’s hard to digest.

    The best wheel for a hamster is solid plastic, not wire; the holes in the floor of wire wheels can cause a hamster to get his feet stuck or develop bumblefoot. You’ll know that the wheel is the right size by the hamster’s posture; if he has to arch his back to fit in, it is too small. He should be running with a straight back.

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  • Somenormie


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  • Tommythecaty

    Kill vermin

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    • ???

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      • Tommythecaty


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