Is it normal to like being alone?
Is it normal to have a strong need to be alone?
I'm not a-social, but omg, I hate random people I know that try to stop me to small talk. Very VERRRRY annoying! I cringe! I loathe! I despise this so much! Worse, social media!?!? Or texting, ugh. It's like you can't get away. Someone is always messaging me. I'm like, unless contacting me is about work, and it had better be about something critical, I don't care.
I don't like when people I don't have any reason to see today, nor want to see today interrupt my business. It's a distraction.
I'd rather live at night, so I can stealthily tip toe right past them. Wear black, or green (it's Spring..blend in), and ninja my way out of sight. Ah, relief! I can get shit done.
For vacations, I just want to head off to someplace free from people.... Forests, islands, mountains, a quiet monastery where monks have sworn an oath of silence....