Is it normal to like history so much?
Like, i'm a history eccentric, i love studying, searching about stuff, like the 18-20th century, medieval times, and all that stuff, i have a dream of buying medieval armor, i'm starting HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts Google it), but even tough, i keep inserting history inside my life on everything that i do.
When i walk on the streets, i start to see everyone by the standards of old times, like i see some relatively poor people my brain tells me to go away and i immediatly think of them as plebs, i see myself as a person of the nobility of the time and even act as so.
If i'm talking to someone who is upseting me i generally use things like "You better think straight before making a war with me you filthy peasant", or "If you wanna battle me then do it, but i'm already telling you i won't be responsible for the death of dumb ploretariat", and i am even a little bit racist about black people, even tough i have black friends and they've been with me for 7 years of my life, if its a black guy who's upsetting me i usually use racist offenses as a form of attack like "You had to be working in a farm with the rest of you animals, you slave" or "you are lucky you're even in a college, for me, your kind should be working in the factories, thats why you have the colour of coal".