Is it normal to like the dragonball franchise as a girl/woman?
Back in the late 1990s as a British tween it was my secret shame. My mum used to wrinkle her nose in disgust when she saw me watching it on TV. I used to dread her coming home from work before the end of an episode. I certainly wouldn't have told ANYONE at school that I liked it. Not even boys.
Now I'm working with large groups of teens and it's still popular. Is it still taboo for girls to like it? If it's accepted, how well-accepted is it? Is it one of those things you can only admit among people who are hard into manga? I don't want to embarrass anyone (or myself). I wish this were a case of 'if you like it and you're not breaking the law, you do you' but when trying to engage teenagers with fragile senses of self and inadequate levels of maturity to tolerate or appreciate eccentricity, 'normal' really matters a lot more.