Is it normal to live your life like a prisom?

My life sucks. They dont allow me to have a boyfriend. Im not allowed to sleep overnight with my friends and not allowed to drink with them even if they're all girls. I live by their rules. Im not being myself. Im being what they want me to be. If I disobeyed them I become abused physically but that was before from little girl to the age of 12. My mom stop hurting me when I told to one of my friend that "my mom almost killed me". My mom accidentally read it and cry and abracadabra she doesnt hurt me anymore. But sometimes she just shout at me when shes angry. The sad part is im scared of her, and I think simple mistake will make her angry. When someone is shouting at someone even if its not me, it makes my heart beat so fast and I feel so afraid. There are lot of things I cant do. They choose my own profession. So life is kind of boring to me. Im 19 for god sake.....

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Lishka

    Do you work? Find all of your important documents and put them away for safe keeping. Put a roommate search out for someone simple, perhaps boring, and preferrably in a metropolitan area in case you don't have a vehicle. If you do they'll likely take it from you anyway just for doing this. Get out. Live simple. Just work and live out from under their roof. Don't spin out of control or it'll give them an advantage to keep affecting you even after you've left them. Just take it slow and let yourself get used to it first. You aren't living. Go live!

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    • howlsilver

      That's a great advice. Thank you. Good thing I signed up here. I should never be afraid of them.

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  • Mersaphe

    That sounds terible

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    • howlsilver

      I know right....huhu

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  • flawdagirl

    Work, save money, move out.

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    • howlsilver

      Yeah, you're right... :-)

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  • green_boogers

    What country do you live in?

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    • howlsilver

      Philippines.... Why?

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      • green_boogers

        In certain countries, parents often treat their kids like slaves. Can you move to a different city to get away from them?

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        • howlsilver

          I wish I could but I cant. I have to finish my studies here and then take board exam here in the philippines. They already planned my future. The place where I should work. Theres no way out from them.

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      • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

        I'm half Filipino I was raised by a "tiger mom". They yell they scream they do the ruler to the knuckles thing. Hell my grandmana got so good at chucking those Filipino bamboo slippers. she could curve them around a corner and smack me upside the head. "Tiger moms" are tough but they generally want you to succeed. The culture is vastly different from "western culture". The parents are tough because life is tough. Many women and men in the Philippines live in slums and are forced into prostitution and human trafficking. Don't even get me started on how they typhoon left the economy in disarray, anyway.

        My advice to you hang out around Subic Bay and marry a rich white man.

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        • howlsilver

          Thanks for the advice but you know If I get married someday, I want to look for someone who accepts me for who I am and I love him for who he is and not because of his rich and what he has. Subic bay you said, there are lots of prostitutes in olongapo base from what I heard. Philippines, not a liberated country like the others.

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  • What's with all the posts from legal adults being controlled by their parents? What's wrong with people? You don't need to stand for that shit. I didn't even let my parents tell me what to do when I was a kid.

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    • howlsilver

      You have a better life then.

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      • I have a better life because I don't let myself be controlled by anyone other than me. Unless you are being physically held in detainment anyone has that potential.

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