Is it normal to loathe other women
I hate other women which I try not to but girls were mean to me growing up, well one group of them was... And I was stuck with them for many school years. It built up resentment which is hard to let go off plus I cant help but to see the truth which is how women tend to love backstabbing each other and cause drama, trust me you see and hear a lot just standing on the sidelines. Being there but not being part of anything...
Nowadays I just have to go online to see it. It's always women being bitches and doing stupid shit like posting half nudes and complaining "wahh wahh no man respects meee" or crying about their pictures getting taken down and calling LITERALLY anything "women hate" or "misogny". As soon as you dont agree like "I dont like that particular fashion" they'll use that as a reason to call you a fucking misogynist not to mention they're always so fucking hardcore politcally correct these days. They're all about manipulation to make you compliant. What the fuck is that ? I've never met a man who acted like that who wasn't a literal abuser. If I tell a guy I know that I dont like something he likes he won't call me a fucking man hater and throw a tantrum, he'll go "thats alright" unless he's an actual psycho but tbf its also women who finds it cute and quirky to call themselves shit like "psycho but cute"....That alone says something.
I dont know im just so fucking done with it like ive met some dramatic, crazy men but most men ive met has been cool and otherwise straight forward. If they have a fucking problem with you they'll say so and tell you what it is, they won't play mindgames unless they're a fucking psychopathic abuser. I dont know maybe i'll meet normal women some day and get over it but I dont really give a fuck anyways. It doesnt affect me. I act nice to people I am forced to be around like at work and such but keep a healthy distance. I listen and learn all I need to know and I make my judgment in silence. I refuse to take part in it if someone attempts to talk shit about people, even if its someone I dont like either.