Is it normal to look forward to the grave?

I have little else to look forward to, one day I shall lie in a wooden box 6 feet under the ground in a cemetery flat on my back with a piece of stone above me saying my name, at the very least, though maybe I shall be in the afterlife, is it normal to actually look forward to this?

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 23 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • momwatcher69

    I feel sad for you, that you have no hope.
    What is making you so depressed?
    How old are you?
    Are you suffering a painful, terminal illness?

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    • me1993

      Being alive makes me depressed

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  • The afterlife does not exist, sorry to burst your bubble.

    When you die, things return to the way they were before you lived.

    So enjoy it while you can.

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  • BigToe

    You will soon get over it, around about the same time the put you under it.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    No its not normal. Its sad to me that you have lost any and all joy in your life. I wish I knew how to help people like you but I just can't relate very well.

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  • litelander8

    It's pretty expensive.

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    • Nikclaire

      Right, you need some insurance to pay for all that. I just got some recently I think...regardless I want to be burned up and thrown into the ocean.

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      • litelander8

        As long as no ones paying for firewood. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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  • bleedingdiarhea

    Have you thought about what your headstone should say? Mines going to read:
    Here lies
    Bleeding F. Diarrhea III
    To my beloved family; I have left you each $1 million in gold bullion hidden in the... (and then a broken piece where the location would have been)

    Really though it's not good to look forward to death. I'm sure I dont have to tell you that you are depressed and I know what that's like. If you get the right help it can get better.

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