Is it normal to look older all of a sudden?

i am a guy almost 28 and I can't explain it but today I looked in the mirror and was shocked how much older I looked. Even a few weeks ago in my opinion I could still pass as looking young like a teenager, now all of a sudden I look about 35. I cut my hair last week (it was pretty long before), I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, and I exercise semi regularly.

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88% Normal
Based on 34 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • riffraffy

    Male Pattern Baldness will do that

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It was the haircut. I noticed some people look much older than they are once they cut their hair.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think a new haircut can play tricks on one's self. I also think that if you've had the same haircut for an extended period of time then most likely the aging process has snuck up on you. If you're hairstyle and style of dress have remained basically the same for a long period of time you may have just failed to see any small changes such as fine lines. As my old Pennsylvania Dutch relatives would say, "your young yet". I would highly recommend that you adopt a good skincare regime, drink plenty of water, exercise, eat healthy and wear sunscreen. The aging process can't be stopped, but it can be slowed and somewhat softened.

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  • MondayMourning


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  • galen

    Yes, up to age 30 I could've passed for maybe 18, and then within a brief span of a month or two at most I realized I suddenly looked older.

    And I didn't cut my hair or anything. Nor did I gain or lose weight, I've always been thin. At the time I assumed it was just my body shifting gears.

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  • ThatScarletteGirl_

    Are you fat? Or do you have too much hair in your face?

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