Is it normal to love your dogs to much and be to attached to them.
I am 24 years old and been married for 3 years and in that time frame I've miscarried 3 times. It has taken its toll on me. I have developed a bad habit when I miscarry though. I tend to adopt a dog and get overly attached.
My husband wouldn't let me adopt another one when I miscarried the last time. He told me "hell no". I do agree with him though. It just helps me cope. I tend to miscarry between 12-17 weeks of pregnancy so I get very attach to the baby. I try not to though.
The main problem is I don't see my dogs as just dogs. I see them as my babies. I know and understand it's unhealthy. I've let it go to far though. I can't be out for to long without missing them. I always feel guilty leaving them home. They have to sleep with me in our bed for me to go to sleep. It has been getting in between my marriage. So I know it has to stop.
I just don't know how and really don't want to. I love my dogs. So what I'm trying to ask is. Is it normal to love dogs this much? Am I the only one? Am I crazy? How do I stop this?