Is it normal to make stories for the sake of enjoying heartbreak and crying?
I love making stories that have hurtful endings/scenes and make me cry. I focus on the character's hurted feelings and feel it as my own. The insides of my chest aches really bad but I enjoy the sense of relief when I cry. Most often, I found the story to be so cheezy afterwards but I'm happy when I made one that can still make me feel sad when I read it. When I get an idea I will become quite immersed and spend quite some time on it, mostly crying. I also use it as a bedtime story when I have trouble falling asleep at night.
Is this some kind of a self-destructive behaviour? But I'm having fun doing it. I usually do this in my pastimes or when I decide to. I also have the feeling that it will be useful for me in the future that nothing can suprise me. But it also kinda turns me into a crybaby when watching tv but I like to cry anyway I don't know. I found out that crying is actually healthy.
Do I need help? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.