Is it normal to melt when an attractive woman flirts with me?

whenever a reasonably attractive female flirts with me (or even treats me with kindness), my brain literally melts and ceases to function normally, and the only thing I can do at that point is drool and produce incomprehensible sounds from my mouth.

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65% Normal
Based on 20 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • TitsMcGee007

    You should get that checked out man

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  • Crusades|

    You sound like a virgin loser.

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  • Short4Words

    Yea I hear that mate. Totally cool when I'm not interested but not sure if she is but as soon as she turns 'round I turn to putty.

    Truth is we need more practice with the opposite sex than we'd like to admit. Start by just striking up small conversation with someone that is 6 or a 7. Doesn't have to be much. Maybe even a hello. And gradually increase. You be the initiator.

    See how that works.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Funny how it's only around women you find "reasonably attractive". Maybe you should just hang out with women you think are ugly. That would solve your problem, right?

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    • yeah ugly women don't make me nervous, in fact I find them to be annoying and wish they would leave me alone

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      • thegypsysailor

        So you'd rather be alone or my brain literally melts and ceases to function than have a friend who you can talk to and do things with, because her looks annoy you?
        Well aren't you a shallow, screwed up person?

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        • i enjoy the excitement and raw energy of being in the company of an attractive woman, more than i fear the nervousness and awkwardness that i always project in those situations. unattractive women honestly bore me, no matter how wonderful their personality might be, and as a result i can't get that same emotional high when i'm not with an attractive woman.

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          • VinnyB

            You're clearly very young and I really hope you mature one day.

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          • pearlescent

            Sorry to say this, but that's actually really depressing. I mean, what are you going to do if you marry a woman purely because of her perceived good looks, and then she grows older and unattractive to you? Are you going to cheat (and be a horrible person)? Are you going to stick with it, and be unhappy? It's important to be able to value the company of someone with a "wonderful personality", even when you don't find the individual attractive.

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