Is it normal to miss my teenage body?

Present day I am a 33 year old man. When I was 16/17 I feel like I was in my best shape. I was very good looking, very popular at high school, was the best at any sport I played, dance in parties, dated the hottest girls in my class and wasn't over burdened with responsibilities that I am today. Today I am become kinda fat, cant hardly get a date or do many things I could do as a teen like climbing trees and have a permanent back pain and am diabetic. Ofcourse it is possible to be in good shape in my 30s, and even later in my life (we live in a age where 80 year olds can win marathons). But what I could never have back is my good looking slim teenage figure and all the fun stuffs a teenager enjoy (I still find teenage girls attractive, but its completely immoral and unethical to engage in relation with them, let alone dance with them something I used to enjoy so much). Also many activities I do now were much easier to do as a teenager, staying fit as a teenager is far easier than staying fit at later age.

Now what I really miss is my teenage body, not my teenage self. I know how arrogant and stupid teenagers are, and I was no different. I did extremely stupid and hateful stuffs that I truly regret ad can never forgive myself for them. I would never want the mind of a teenager again and never have to engage in the stupidities I did back then. But if it only were possible to return to my teenage body of 16/17 with my present mindset and knowledge of the world along with all the degrees I have earned ad stay that way for the rest of my life (never physically aging past 17, but aging only mentally), then life would truly be wonderful.

Voting Results
96% Normal
Based on 53 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • finn

    You and the rest of the planet. Why else do you think Cortez was looking for the fountain of youth?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Don't you mean Ponce de Leon? Why do you think old geezers love Florida so much?

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      • finn

        I knew it was one of those Spanish dudes :))

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  • _Mehhhh_

    I think a lot of men are very attractive in their 30s and many look even better than they did when they were younger.

    There's no reason a guy in his 30s can't have a slim/lean figure, it might take just a bit more work than when you were a teen/in your 20s.

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  • Maaa114

    Is more fun the older you get. For men at least.

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  • Dunga

    I feel the same way sometime, but there are many things enjoyable with being a man, so move on bro.

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  • lordofopinions

    Normal I would say. I was in my best shape and condition at 19 or 20.

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  • leefi1

    Learn to laugh it off. Much younger friends saw a photo of me at age 18 and they said "that's not you!". I had glorious hair, lost "best-looking" by two votes. Now I'm bald with age spots. The mirror is a laugh riot. Without a sense of humor you face a miserable existence!

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  • Murun

    The kids who were athletic and cool as teenagers always seem to end up fucked by their 30s!

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  • CreamPuffs

    I can't relate, due to being 19. It'll be a few years until I can see what you mean.

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  • johnvericson

    they say a man is in his absolute prime at 35. you have 2 years to get in shape.

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  • FrizzyHaired

    I think that you are completely normal. People want to be younger. That's life I'm afraid

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