Is it normal to never look good no matter how hard you try?
I (F/28) spend hours on my appearance most times when I go out because that's literally how long it takes me to feel the slightest bit normal. But after, I still don't feel right.
The outfits look better in my head. Once I actually get dressed, I feel like a lunatic and look like a slob. There's always something I'm missing even though I spend hours getting ready sometimes. Like I'll think I'm done then realize my shirt needs ironed because it looks very wrinkled. Then I iron it, and it still just don't look right.
Or I'll get ready and decide on shorts, but then need to shave my legs. Moisturize. Pick different shoes. Etc. It's a never ending process. But I'm never happy.
I have a closet stuffed with clothes but none of them match or go together. Idk how it's possible.
I'm not narcissistic, I swear. It's more that I dislike myself a lot. I want to wear nice clothes but I always look like a slob, nothing fits right, nothing matches. So I always end up in a pair of blue jeans and rotating the same 3 t-shirts, same black converse. I'm sick of it.
For hyigene, I try really hard all the time -- brush my teeth 3x a day, floss, mouthwash, chew gum -- every day--- and people still say my breath is disgusting. I also sweat easily and no ammount of deoderant masks the stink. I hate myself, I'm so disgusting but it's a pain in the ass to spend hours and hours and still fail.