Is it normal to no longer like dark clothes
I used to be alt mostly dressed in black and dark tones. Now I have realized after losing interest in my style that I prefer colorful clothes now and I really like pink which I used to hate before. I also realized that colors like pink obviously is better with my complexion and its a big difference if I take a selfie with a black shirt or with a pink shirt... I am going to change my wardrobes with clothes from the thrift store nearby which is stupid cheap in my small town even though it has amazing clothes, even people I know in the city drives to the thrift store here to shop instead of the ones in the city because this one has nicer things lol. Lol I am lucky for that because I have so little money. 🤷 I have already started and it was a big step for me to buy a pink sweater I found that was really nice because at first I thought "oh I love it but I cant buy it, its not my style :/" but then I didnt care and bought it lol. Honestly to me when I think about it black is pretty boring and basic everyone wears black regardless of style because its easy. Black goes with everything. 🤷