Is it normal to not be impressed by anything?

The older I get, the less anything impresses me. Or anyone.

The really only thing that would impress me is if someone found a cure for cancer.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Holzman_67

    Hmm. I used to think this, I think it’s just my impression changed.
    When you’re a kid the world is big and mysterious and exciting and new and there’s adventure everywhere, allure.
    When you age it’s about appreciating the history and the fine details, sometimes even the amount of work and human endeavour, talent that’s gone into something.

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  • litelander8

    There is a cure for cancer.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I don’t think you’re smart or experienced enough to make that claim legitimately, nobody is.

    What you describe is just you being too dopey to recognise something impressive.

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  • wigz

    Well, that sounds ridiculous.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Even you have to admit you'd be impressed if SpaceX manages to land a human on Mars.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    There's a lot in the world that a lot of people just don't have an understanding of that is INSANELY impressive once you learn how it works!

    I got to learn about fiber optic cables and how they revolutionized the modern world in my physics class. They don't really look like much though, but I would put them next to the printing press in importance of human invention.

    I'm also pretty impressed we have gone from HIV/AIDS being a death sentence to having people who are infected being able to be undetectable/non-transferable.

    I'm incredibly impressed I'm a build up of stardust that over billions of years of evolution has been able to learn about itself and its place within this gigantic bubble. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an existential crisis to get back to.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes it's normal not to be impressed when you have cancer. My mother's not so glad and she's got cancer, and as things are backsliding I say the old things are out.

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