Is it normal to not be russiaphobic?

Seems that both conservatives and libs hate Russia and Russian people(for different reasons), but l don't.

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68% Normal
Based on 19 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    when all the news outlets immediately all agree on somethin it automatically makes me disagree

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  • KholatKhult

    Wow Putin puppet bot you’re now both a fascist and a communist at the same time
    Cancelled immediately and banned from a dozen countries
    Don’t you know Russia and Nazi Germany are the exact same thing ? Down with the subhuman asiatic horde orcs and their horselord dictatorships #YesAllRussians

    I think one of my favorite new takes on Russians is that German political whateverposition woman that went on BBC and said Russians “don’t process death in a European way” and that’s how they make sense of why Russians “don’t mind when people die in the war”

    Or that transwoman US journalist who started her speech with “We here who have souls, who are not Russians which are animals and subhumans” and then joined the Ukraine military and they immediately classed her as a dude and she said it was because of transphobic /Russian propaganda/ in Ukraine. God brilliant.

    I stopped caring about what the West thought of me when an American showed me a song that was trying to convince people “Russians love their children too” and they thought it was touching and not absolutely insane that that had to be said. Tapped out

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Seriously, that shit never happens in my country, everyone here seem to like the people of Russia, just not the government.

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      • KholatKhult

        Which country ?
        Facebook and Instagram changed their policy to allow death threats - but ! - only towards Russians, too. I think Twitter did the same because I’m on there and people have tested it by tweeting “Death to all xyz” and the only tweet that survives is the one towards Russians

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        • Meatballsandwich

          Sweden. Never heard of anyone here calling russians subhumans or anything, it has never happened on TV or radio, never. Never heard any reference to " violent Russian DNA " or anything. Instead, all I've heard about Russians from everyone I've met is how cool and friendly they are, that Russians are strong and brave, and that they're a potentially valuable asset to our country. The finnish east of us have a completely different view of Russians though. I know, I'm half finnish myself and has been there lots of times.

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          • LloydAsher

            I'm full finnish. Granted finnish american but I still have ties back to my ancestors origin. The winter war, the continuation war didnt exactly leave russians in a good image for finland. What with being forced not to join any alliances until russia proved they will break their prior agreements at their leisure.

            Of course I can only provide an american response to this conversation. Russians just chose a leader who's ambitions outweighed their own lives. And they are paying for that loyalty.

            If america invaded canada at the drop of a hat I would be throwing molitovs at the recruitment centers too.

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            • KholatKhult

              You have nothing to Finland you’re an American and that’s it. Silly as hell to think you’re anything other than that.
              Nothing about you is Finnish except some names on a family tree.
              Quit talking about Finland, you’re an American. You’ve become such a weirdo these days. Knock off this manic edgelord fantasy shit

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Spending your time hating such a broad group of people would be silly. Obviously there are going to be bad people within the country but that isn't necessarily a Russian issue. It's an issue with all countries. The Russian government is where most of my grievances lie, but that's not exclusively a Russian problem either. I dislike the US government just as much as Russia's governing body.

    There are plenty of good people in both countries, however. You just have to cut through a *lot* of awful ones first if you want to find them.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I like Russia and its people too. Putin is pretty cool. Zelensky is a fag who strips in highheels on camera and grabs men's asses on TV. Such a shame America chose him to be our puppet when we rigged their election better than the Russians could. Shows a lot about our foreign agenda. Hard to root for my countries imperial conquests when they're spreading woke globally

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  • KholatKhult
    Can’t make this shit up lmfao

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    • Clunk42

      And these are the people we're supposed to side with. Honestly, though on Russia's side, it's certainly not a just war, losing Ukraine would not be much of a loss. People should stop supporting Ukraine. Leave Ukraine to their punishment for their immoral ways.

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      • LloydAsher

        You are not the arbiter of morality. I will not forgo a nations right to self defence. Conveniently they are fighting a rival so more arms to them. Global peace will be much easier with Russia out of the picture rather than ukraine.

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        • Anonnet

          This is cold to say, but they have a right to self defense, not our defense. Not only are we spending a lot on this war, we're also escalating it. Where are the negotiations?

          There's no taking Russia "out of the picture" without nuking Russia. There are no winners here. I don't know why people keep saying stuff like that, because they never take it to its logical conclusion. They just say we're going to "take them out", like we're going to knock them out in a boxing ring or something.

          Are we going to assassinate Putin? Are we going to declare full-scale war? Driving Russia out of Ukraine isn't going to delete Russia.

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          • LloydAsher

            An economic collapse would be likely. That's taking care of russia, no more bodies to send in the meat grinder. You think the Ukrainians are more likely to give up? Hard to lose morale when you are winning.

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            • Anonnet

              There are no winners. Ukraine is not "winning", they're getting bombed. They're in the middle of a war, the war is happening on their soil, and they're dependent on other nations for their defense, so I don't know why you're bragging about morale. Not to mention, the only thing they can get by "winning" is keeping what they already have. Waiting for one side to simply give up is the worst case scenario.

              Sure, Ukraine will recover. However, Russia will also recover. They've had an economic collapse before, they came back. Actual negotiations have to happen.

              And if we're waiting this out specifically so we can invade Russia or something, that's still us throwing Ukraine under the bus. All Ukraine is getting out of all this is more bodies in the aforementioned meat grinder.

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        • Clunk42

          As I said, it is not a just war on Russia's part; this is obvious. However, it is also not just for other nations to get entangled in other nations' wars, because, in doing so, they are in turn unjustly warring against the aggressor country.

          Global peace is impossible until all nations recognize the Catholic Church as the one True Church, so the concept of "Global peace will be much easier with Russia out of the picture rather than ukraine." is a worthless prerogative.

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          • LloydAsher

            The pope is against russia on this war. Yet russian bishops are nothing more than state shills just like any catholic priest that operates in china.

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            • Clunk42

              I question why you still speak as though I have any affiliation with that man. I recognize that Novus Ordo 'bishops' are merely pawns of the anti-Catholic governments. Over the past couple of months, there's been an American outcry about Zen, a Novus Ordo 'Cardinal' who was evilly arrested by the Chinese government.

              I am wholly aware that the Novus Ordo sucks.

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    • Meatballsandwich


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  • KholatKhult

    They tried to ban Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky books at the beginning too lmfao
    And some bars are changing the name of a Moscow Mule. So brave. So brave.

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  • RoyyRogers

    Nobody hates the Russians. They are pissed at RUSSIA for starting the end of the world. When nearly every country saw Russia going to war with Ukraine most of the world collectedly said "NO! PLEASE! STOP! WE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS!" The reason is due to the relations of each country this was going to become World War 3.

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  • Grunewald

    I was always fond of Russia because I studied Russian for a while and I went there once.

    That doesn't change my profound disagreement with what Putin is doing in Ukraine. A country is not its leader.

    I hate Russia's role in Ukraine, but I love Russian culture and the Russian people. Seeing what is happening breaks my heart more than it makes my blood boil.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Nobody hates Russian people, that's bullshit.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Americans are literally NPCs. If the TV had told them from the start that Russia was in the right they'd all support Russia. Most Americans couldnt even point to Ukraine on a map. The conservatives believe Fox and the liberals believe CNN MSNBC and social media. I feel sad for the Ukraines and the Russians dying but I'm neutral in this I dont care who "wins".

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  • LloydAsher

    It's normal not to hate the people but rather the goverment.

    I'm not talking about hitting civilians like how russia partakes in. I just dont care when russian civilians finally get to waft in the wet fart of defeat and choosing to continually siding with the aggressor.

    String me up on a cross if you see me support hitting civilian targets.

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  • Clunk42

    That's nothing new. America did that sort of stuff during the Cold War, too.

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  • LloydAsher

    Eh that's just how world conflicts cascade into basic shit.

    Russian shit will be brought back after 5 or so years. Depends on how badly putin destroys russian image during this time.

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  • Vvaas

    i don't hate them my brother is russian

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    • KholatKhult

      Thank you brother Vaas I will die defending your honor and your chickens

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      • Vvaas


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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes it's normal not to hate Russia, I'm staying out of there, I'm not going even one millimetre close to a dictator. In God we have faith, in Russia we're the same people with Russian beliefs, erroneously thought to be jewish. In America we don't give a damn as long as we're in places doing dull office work, it's absolutely true, it's so because I said it, that means you should agree it is like that.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    That's dumb. Just because the government in that country is shit at the moment doesn't justify not playing Tchaikovsky.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    The people are cool, the country is cool, the government isn't.

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    • LloydAsher

      66% still support the ongoing war in ukraine.

      Just saying at a certain point if a large portion of a population agree with a course of a countries path, I'm not going to be shedding tears over their misfortunes. The smart ones got their loved ones out of the country.

      I'll be unpopular I say the same for the palisitinians. If they vote in majority for hamas then I dont give a shit when Israel destroys a school with a missile launcher put on top of it. That's on Hamas and all their supporters.

      If they are russian american (or russians that immigrated out) then yeah their home country chose a shit side to stand with. If finland pulled the same shit I would call that crap out.

      Just saying the russian hate will dwindle over time. It's the same with literally every country the US has opposed.

      You could call it a special cultural operation. When the russians stop being dicks then things will even out.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Holy shit, really? Damn, it's not like that where I live. People see Russian people as separate from the state. I notice a lot more bigotry towards the chinese.

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  • randypete

    it is not the russian it is Putin who is a nutter

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