Is it normal to not finish watching/reading/playing due to feelings?
I had a very hard time finishing watching "Silver Linings Playbook", reading "Let the Right One In" and playing "Mass Effect 2" because the characters were too sympathetic, I didn't want anything bad to happen to them or it reminded me of bad life experiences.
Is this normal? I find many things hard to complete because of (IMO) very effective characterization or emotional resonance.
It specifically hits me with characters such as Eli (Let the Right One In) and Tali (Mass Effect) because they are extremely disadvantaged but highly sympathetic female characters. I have a thing for those types of quirky, introverted characters with a mysterious side, and they're the only fictional characters I ever really got emotional for.
Silver Linings Playbook was another story entirely. It was hard to watch because I've either made huge mistakes with my anger/depression or known people close to me with those symptoms. It was also hard to see those characters break down and the constant gaze of judgmental onlookers. I still haven't finished watching it, even months later.
Is anyone out there in the same boat?