Is it normal to not have a life?

I dont have a job or a hobby or anything. I have some mental health issues so its hard to find a job plus I cant get to jobs from where I live without car. Even if I got a job where theres bus lines taking the bus reguarly gives me migraines and visual flashes and color leaks in my vision field, makes me feel foggy and lightheaded and gives me severe anxiety. My mom dnt even want me to because its so bad. In school I had to take painkillers everyday because of what taking the bus did to me, upset my stomach a lot too because painkillers arent good to eat everyday... Now I recently got a license though finally. I just have to somehow afford a car too.
Im sitting in my room all day. I barely go outside. I dont really care to do much or have any motivation. I dont have any friends really and its partly my fault for being an expert at pushing people away. I spend so much time in my own head overanalyzing everything I and everyone else does that who knows soon, whats real and whats fantasy. It has to end eventually, but who knows when. I miss school even though there isnt really anything to miss, but I ahd somewhere to be.

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25% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • CountessDouche

    That's a really shitty situation to be in, and I totally empathize with you. I've had to move country twice in the past 5 years. Once to a new country where I had no friends, and then back to my old country living far away from friends I had. Making friends and establishing a career as an adult is so difficult without limitations, let alone with other issues.

    It sounds like your parents are helping you out for now, which is a big step in a positive direction. As tempting as it may be to stay in your comfort zone and not look for work, I encourage you to really think about the long term consequences.

    You really don't want to live on disability if you can avoid it. Its below poverty in almost every country. You'll be scraping by for the bare necessities, and if you're in America you won't have adequate healthcare on top of that. It's really a horrible life.

    If you can't physically travel, there's bunches of jobs that can allow you to work from home, and the possibilities have actually skyrocketed because of the pandemic. But off the top of my head, if your parents are willing to help you with schooling - coding, IT, data entry, website design, movie editing, web site moderation, research assist...I'm sure there's much more. It is possible for you to get a job, and you really should if you can.

    As far as a social group. You need one, end of story. You'll suffer if you have no one. It is difficult to make friends as an adult, but it's difficult for everyone. There are so many adults just like you who really want new friends, I'm not joking. I've gone through the process more than once. I thought it would be impossible. Nope...I even have a weird group of lockdown friends (00000000). It's really just a matter of talking to people, any people. You may not have a specific interest or hobby, but I'm sure there's something that you like. There's legit groups for everything now...from knitting, to cooking, to hating jeff Gordon. I made a million friends in australia through 4 wheel driving, which is not even my thing at all.

    You just have to take initiative to change your life. I know it's awful and scary to take the first step, but you have to be the one to do it. A social life and a job are not gonna come knocking on your door. You gave to go out and get both of them, but's not as terrifying as it looks.

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  • litelander8

    There’s a ridiculous amount of work you can do from home.

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    • Yes but where to start ? How to find them ? It feel like with all good jobs from home you need to know IT

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      • litelander8

        Google. You can literally do customer service for any company….

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        • I cant do anything which requires talking on the phone reguarly. I'd be like one of those telemarketers who call and hang up immadiately. I've recieved calls from many of those and I look them up everytime. They're young usually.

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          • litelander8

            You seemed like you won’t help yourself. 🤷🏾‍♀️

            Good luck.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Theres no nice way to say this but if you cant find a way to have a job and do grown people stuff you are screwed in life. You might as well start now. You can do therapy on your phone with doctors virtually. But you should definitely figure it out because your life is gonna suck. You should have bought a car with stimulus.

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    • Im not american im not sure what stimulus is ? But the money I get is very little I cant buy anything except absolute necessities. I dont even have good shoes atm. I dont get disability either because one needs to officially test their abilities first. I am going to do that later this year but to get a job which suits me well. I have therapy too after the summer but probably its gonna take much time:/

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  • Tinybird

    I'm in the same situation

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