Is it normal to not have a life?
I dont have a job or a hobby or anything. I have some mental health issues so its hard to find a job plus I cant get to jobs from where I live without car. Even if I got a job where theres bus lines taking the bus reguarly gives me migraines and visual flashes and color leaks in my vision field, makes me feel foggy and lightheaded and gives me severe anxiety. My mom dnt even want me to because its so bad. In school I had to take painkillers everyday because of what taking the bus did to me, upset my stomach a lot too because painkillers arent good to eat everyday... Now I recently got a license though finally. I just have to somehow afford a car too.
Im sitting in my room all day. I barely go outside. I dont really care to do much or have any motivation. I dont have any friends really and its partly my fault for being an expert at pushing people away. I spend so much time in my own head overanalyzing everything I and everyone else does that who knows soon, whats real and whats fantasy. It has to end eventually, but who knows when. I miss school even though there isnt really anything to miss, but I ahd somewhere to be.