Is it normal to not like touchy feely people

Is it normal that people used to touch me all the time when I was younger? Nowadays people respect my space a lot more, but I often wonder what they were after when they kept pawing me in the past. It always gave me the creeps, partly because women did it too, so it wasn`t always about sex. I wonder what the hell they got out of this kind of behaviour.

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91% Normal
Based on 46 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Don't answer this if it's too unconfortable, but what does "touching" mean? Like hugs and kisses as a kid? Or where you touched inappropriatly when you were alone with someone?

    The first thing would be pretty normal. Most kids like being hugged and kissed from time to time, and adults love doing it because kids are incredibly cute.
    But in the other case you should really tell someone you trust.

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  • driedroses

    I understand. I always think it's weird when adults treat kids or people treat animals too touchy feely. Like a little bit is okay, but all the time... People need to realize that not all kids and animals want to be touched and coddled over 24/7

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  • peterr

    Touch my cock and I will be eternally grateful.

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  • elenamish

    I hate when people try to hug me, just want to puke

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    They think you are cute..

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