Is it normal to..not mind this quarantine time (and a few other things)
Is it normal to..Really not mind this quarantine time? I work from home anyway, and don't really go very far out and about, so, other than insane shoppers at the food store, very little of this is different to me. The sports bars I went to are closed, which saves me money at least twice per week, my female friends and even on again-off again gf are home, too, which saves me spending on them or paying a bill for them here and there, and I, like most by now, have created my own little world at home.
I've finished two books that I had going, am doing more arts and culture stuff online, and even played a live, interactive trivia game from a comedy club, giving me social interaction. It was free, but they do ask for donations to keep it going, which I did.
So, is it normal to see this quarantine stuff, other than the reason and what the virus is doing, as not necessarily a bad thing? The earth is healing itself b/c we're not polluting it like we always do, and maybe people are getting smarter about the world around them.