Is it normal to not understand humans?

To say that I have autism, would be an understatement. There is something wrong and I don't understand. Humans terrify me, I don't understand them. I've made various efforts throughout my life to understand them but I'm coming to the realization that I can't.

I feel like Im watching a nature documentary 24/7 in attempt to understand why they do various thing with a short list of examples being:
why do they have sex? get married? say things they don't mean, never can give straight answers, why do they form bonds, why do they insist on having friendships, why are they so goddam emotional when there is 0 reason to be, why do they believe in such delusional shit even when proven 1000% wrong?

I can understand things from a biological/evolutionary aspect but not from a "human" aspect. The only reason why I give a fuck to begin with is that they feel the need to hurt me, are everywhere, and Im forced to be around them for survival.

I used to think that this wasn't a me only thing. I used to think everyone was like this but just kept it to themselves but now this is clearly not the case. I don't know how normal this is? Even other people with autism seem to yearn for a lot of human things.

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67% Normal
Based on 3 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I feel this way too about human behavior. The one that bothers me the most is we've seemed to have lost our evolutionary traits of survival instinct because things have gotten so easy and we havent been exposed to the ugly of the world as much. Theres a disconnect between ppl who lived a privileged life and understanding just how evil and mean ppl out here really are. And you are seen as the evil and cruel one by pointing out these things exist. Its hard to be strong when you can push a button and your house cools off. Or you need feed and you press a button and someone brings it to your door.

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    • NoRestForTheWicked

      Dude, you faced poverty and imprisonment. And you say you weren't exposed enough to the ugly of the world?? Are you for real? Dude you've been through hell and back. You deserve a break.

      Yeah probably some privileged people exist, in some places. But most humans clearly don't have access to that kind of luxury. At least not around here they don't. I don't even think about the most privileged people when I think about most people or humans in general.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        No I think because of my experiences I've escaped that programming so to speak. I've seen how bad ppl are. When I hear ppl say things like "the problem in poor communities is the over policing" or something like that I see a disconnect. I saw this 20 year old girl jogging in booty shorts at 1am leaving the hospital in the hood. Or oh the best one is when gays advocate for Islamic ppl coming to their countries. Ppl are just retarded and want to champion for the underdog even if that underdog will kill them.

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  • NoRestForTheWicked

    Why does other people just living our lives "hurt you"? Why are you trying to make this about you? I'm just over here trying to do my thing. Not even touching you or anything. How is me just pursuing my life is that hurting you?

    Why are you so bothered and pressed about people just existing? You complain that people are everywhere. Well what's wrong with that? Why does this bother you? I don't understand.

    You might have other issues besides autism. Because yeah, autism doesn't make people unempathic and antisocial. That's something else. It is possible to have more than one different condition at the same time. Maybe discuss this with a qualified psychologist. They have the expertise to give you a decent diagnosis. This would help you understand yourself better. And that would also help you understand others better. Good luck.

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    • IDontUnderstandHelp

      This post is about me bc these are issues im specifically dealing with. Ur doing ur own thing!? Cool. Doesnt bother me.

      My bad for leaving out a ton of context. Im nervous about posting to much info bout myself online so just an small fyi, I've had way so many horrible experiences w humans leading to bullying/harassment, job loss, homelessness, poverty, etc and Im no where near recovered.

      My issue with them existing is that anyone of them at any time has the potential to hurt me again and I can't tell which one because they are great liars. Since Im forced to be around them and its hard for me to read them due to my autism, I feel like im in a constant game of Russian roulette.

      I already speak with a psychologist, having a diagnosis doesn't make the problems go away. I am working on it tho. My purpose of coming to this forum was purely outta curiosity. When I ask my psychologist about various things similar to this, they are not very direct for the sake of trying not to make me feel so worried.

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      • Tinybird

        Same, I was diagnosed at 8, but whenever someone is horrible to me online and I say I have autism, they always pull the "oh I have autism too and I don't act like YOU, you're using it as an excuse." And 9 times out of 10 they're a wokester. >PUKES<
        Also those aren't just human things, other animals have them too. But yes I am also a misanthrope and despise pretty much all of humanity. I look at all humans with scorn until the individual humans prove themselves otherwise, worthy of my respect. Because I have been hurt by so many people especially online but also in school with the bullying, 99.99% of people I have had the misfortune of coming in contact with have been absolutely awful to me, picked on me, bullied or laughed at me, called me names, etc.
        Take the other day for instance, I posted a picture I drew of me and Salad fingers somewhere, and every comment I got was a hate comment. Whatever I do, it's always wrong, yet someone else can do the exact same thing or similar, and be praised or joked with about it. But me? All I ever get is hate or abuse more than the average person.
        There's a reason why I have blocked 47 users on here. And on Facebook I have blocked at least 1000 people.

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