Is it normal to not understand what you're watching?

I watched a movie last night and I was trying my best to understand it, but I couldn't. I had to read explanations of the ending online and felt really stupid that I couldn't figure that out. When I read about it, I thought "Oh yeah, I knew that but I couldn't think of it on my own". There's literally no point in watching a movie if I have to read about it afterwards. I felt like I wasted 2 hours (actually more like 4 hours because I often pause movies and have to do something else)

This happens often. I have a very hard time comprehending things I read or watch, and I need someone else's help to explain it more simply.

Is something possibly wrong with me? I don't understand things like I used to. It's why I don't read anymore because I can't really understand things without supplemental help. But I think not reading is making me stupid.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    goddamn david lynch movies

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Stress and sleep deprivation does this to me I feel like I'm in a huge fog. But if it's not this OP could be anything from ADHD to depression. You could always talk to a psychologist they'd possibly know or a primary doctor or maybe you just gravitate towards convoluted films? 🤷‍♀️

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Wouldn't hurt to check with your doctor about your concern.
    How old are you? Could it be age related?

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    • Early 30s. Maybe it's slight memory problems with aging but I still think I'm young for that? I deal with extreme stress taking care of my parents, so I rarely have time for myself. So when I try to watch a movie or read, they interrupt me and need something, or I just can't concentrate because I'm thinking about the millions of things I have to do for them. Could be stress but idk. I can never focus on anything for myself, I'm always living for them and their needs.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        I think it sounds more stress related. I don't think it's a permanent decline of your mental abilities but I'd still talk to a doctor. Depression and anxiety can cause difficulty in focusing your attention on things.
        I wish you well. I was in the same situation of caring for my parents so I can relate. Sometimes it felt like an emotional overload. But now that they are gone I'm glad I spent the time caring for them.

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