Is it normal to not want to put a lot of personal information online as adult?
Ever since I was a child my parents would tell me not to do certain things. They would always scare me and say you are going to be kidnapped, you will get raped, someone is going to come after you. Since childhood I have been very cautious.
However some people online seem to demand a lot of personal information or they will not chat with you. Like exact city, state/province, real age, real name, job, date of birth, timezone, phone number, real photo.
I think I have a right not to share a large amount of personal information and I am pariniod if someone knows a lot they might be able to hurt me in some manner. Yet I am not a child anymore. I have no peadophiles to worry about. So is it normal to still not want to give away all this information? or should this be expected by all people online?
Even on this site which is made for adults it says be safe. It says not to share a lot of personal information in order to be safe online. So is there dangers or is it just undying parinoa from childhood?