Is it normal to obsess over swallowing when trying to sleep?

This only happens when I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep. For some reason every night I have this obsession over swallowing. I have to swallow *just right* and even though I tell myself I will stop when I get it right, usually I will still continue to swallow over and over again. I do this to the point that my stomach hurts and when it stops I will start swallowing again. Eventually I manage to stop though it is hard but I need to know, is this normal?

Voting Results
36% Normal
Based on 11 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Kchuck303

    I have had symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder that are similar to your situation. Do some research on it

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  • Blue221496

    Your problem sounds just like some of my own. It seems like you have a form of OCD.

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  • NewusernameNorecognition

    That's a real perfectionist right there.

    I don't really have any advice but something fun to do is to try not swallow at all as a challenge. Don't move either, just relax completely and don't swallow. While doing this, count up, and don't stop. You will probably itch a little, and do your best to not budge. After ~ 5 to 10 minutes your entire body will go numb and you will be dreaming while your consciousness is still awake. If you stop counting and go into the dream you will be asleep.

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  • NameIsTaken

    Maybe visit someone and get some help.

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