Is it normal to obsessively run my fingers along/in creases and folds?

My boyfriend has a compulsion when it comes to creases in anything - fabrics, the human body, etc. He feels that he has to run his fingers in/through/along creases, but is a little self-conscious about it sometimes because he hasn't ever heard of anyone else having this compulsion. It doesn't bother me at all, except when he tickles the back of my knee. Regardless, we are curious as to whether this is a fairly common compulsion/habit or if it really is that unheard of.

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40% Normal
Based on 67 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    i can see some benefits to this as well... *grin*

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  • Snezhinka21

    It's not that he's trying to iron out any wrinkles or creases, quite the opposite actually. He gets excited about me bending my knee to sit so he can run his finger in the crease it makes. He loves when his blankets bundle up and he can put all his fingers in creases at once, just enjoying their feel. He doesn't want to get rid of the creases, he just compulsively has to stick his fingers in the creases (and obviously that is going to be taken so out of context).

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    • karmasAbich

      Ohh okay I see what youre saying. I cant stand to see wrinkles, but I guess i could understand how it would feel nice. Still sounds normal :)

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  • Rainyforrest

    Used to do it when I was younger, it felt comfortable to have my fingers ect, burried in creases in the bed covers or yes, even behind the knee but I gradually stopped doing it and now I never do it anymore.

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  • Medah

    Sounds like one of the tourette's symptoms described in motherless brooklyn. He had compulsions to touch things.

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  • Snezhinka21

    Yes, yes, his obsessive running of fingers along creases can be quite enjoyable indeed.

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  • karmasAbich

    I do that a lot. I make sure the comforter on my bed has no creased or wrinkles in it before i leave the room. Ha sounds normal to me.

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