Is it normal to only be interested in learning dead languages?

Though I can read some German and French, I'm primarily interested in learning dead languages. A lot of people complain to me about this, apparently confused as to why someone would want to spend hours, months, or years learning a language that nobody really uses anymore. All I can say in response is that Ovid is great in Latin, few translations can do Homer justice, and I could school your "King James Only" pastor when I explain how the KJV differs from the source material. Got hate? Try to express it in Sanskrit, bitch. I'll school your ass, Anglo-Saxon style. I love dead and/or ancient languages and no amount of complaining about their impracticality will change that. Ancient literature and the languages they are written in are awesome to me and I love the history behind them.

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59% Normal
Based on 22 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Arm0se

    It sounds like you only want to learn just to show off rather than for actually practical purposes. There are plenty of easier less time-consuming ways to be an jackass.

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    • NathanScot

      Well put mate.My sentiments exactly.

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  • thegypsysailor

    This seems like a good hobby, though a bit of a solitary one, and of little value in the real world.
    If you have plenty of free time and the money necessary, then have fun, but don't expect too many others to share your passion or much financial reward.
    I guess it beats being in a gang, but at least you have friends around and can make a living being a gang member.

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  • JD777

    I took 3 years of Latin in prep for a science curriculum/career. It was the best choice I could have made. Scientific names are largely Latin and a good portion of English words are rooted in Latin, so it helped with vocabulary. And like you said, the classics just seem better in their original Latin. So, even though Latin is a "dead" language, I've gotten huge benefit from learning it. Most people I know who had years of another language in school didn't keep up with it and can barely speak it anymore or apply it to daily life.

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    • Asstastics

      est contra fidem. latinam linguam discere anglicus adiuvat.

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  • helpful_demon

    i think that's really awesome! dead languages deserve to be preserved and remembered, and it's cool that you wanna take part of that! even if they can't be used conversationally, it's still really awesome to keep these languages from being forgotten completely. have a great time, friend! :)

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  • LuxM4G

    There is always use for dead languages, but even if there wasn't a practical use don't let that stop you from learning them.

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  • Freedom_

    Sounds really cool to me. I've always been very interested in ancient art, culture and language. If I had the patience, I would study dead languages too. Depending on your career choice, the languages could actually be very practical and you sound like you have a passion for them so go ahead, fuck what other people think is significant or not.

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  • Ellenna

    No harm in it that I can think of, especially as you seem quite literate in english

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    • Aries

      Exactly what I was thinking! o.O LOL

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