Is it normal to only cling to the bad of a rotten relationship?
I was talking to my ex last night and he asked me if I hated him. I said no but I resent him sometimes. He said do I have any good memories left of him? I don't. It's been several months. The only memories I hold onto are the bad ones to remind myself that he and anyone like him is no good. I know that we had some good times too but I never think about that. I'm scared that every guy I meet will turn out to be just like him. I'm over the relationship but maybe I'm not over the pain he caused? He left me with a bunch of triggers and I don't want to project these feelings onto people who don't deserve it, but how can I do that and guard myself from being deceived again?
I'm sure he just wants me to think of him in a better light, but I started to wonder if there is any healing in remembering that there was good there too?