Is it normal to only eat food that expired
I used to have a friend who only bought expired food or food about to expire, put it in the freezer and kept it there to eat later. I dont care if this is okay because its disgusting. I have a bit of a phobia surronding things like these. I cant eat anything that has been in an open package for a week or so. I cant eat candy or snacks if it has touched the air especially if there are other people around and their gross mouth air. And I cant eat anything close to expiring. I imagine bread close to expiring is full of tiny bugs crawling inside it or spider webs. I see images of it compulsively in my head.
This is one reason I hate eating at peoples houses regardless of whom they are to me. I once asked for milk in my coffee at my aunts house and she brought out a milk carton that was expired two days ago and said "eh its fine!" and poured it in my cup and it had tiny CLUMPS in it.
My former friend I get because he was a borderline alcoholic and I imagine such people do not care what they put in their bodies, but even regular people have low standards for the freshness of products they eat and drink.