Is it normal to only get horny when i think of girls
Is it normal for me to identify as bisexual but only get really hot and bothered by the thought of having sex with other girls?
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Is it normal for me to identify as bisexual but only get really hot and bothered by the thought of having sex with other girls?
I would say - to hell with what anyone else thinks or wants to pass judgment. Besides female in female action is just so flippen hot. If others don't feed you or pay your bills and they are not your legal guardian or parent, they can think of say what they want. In the end its nonna
That's "nonna their damn business."
Whys everyone saying straight, I am hoping this OP is a girl, cuz that would be awesome. also what straight man uses the phrase "hot and bothered", but at the same time girls are less likely to use the word horny.
You can 'identify' as what ever the fuck you want but what you ARE is straight.