Is it normal to pace around a room daydreaming?

I daydream too much, To the point where I pace around an empty room making strange sounds or repeating phrases. For, like, 1-8 hours a day/night.

Sometimes I say words from my daydreams, Under my breath while I do it. As well as talk to objects as if they were the characters.
It keeps me up at night, I don't know why I do this. It's been going on for a long while, getting bigger overtime, s'all good tho.

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82% Normal
Based on 17 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • harkosv

    It sounds borderline abnormal. The only reason I say that is because you say it can go as long as 8 hours. It sounds like a healthy form of meditation so long as you keep it under 3 hours

    Think of it as doing any other activity; is it normal to regularly watch 8 hours of TV in one sitting? Is it normal to take a shower or bath for 8 hours? Is it normal to admire a painting for 8 hours?

    Whenever an unreasonable amount of time is spent on an activity it's safe to say that it's bordering on abnormal, regardless of what that activity is

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    • LloydAsher

      To be fair I've been on 8 hour long videogame binges. Honestly felt like 3 hours but time flies when you are having fun.

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    • MonsteraDeliciosa

      I know, right? Imagine working or even sleeping 8 hours a day! So abnormal.

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      • harkosv

        So you're comparing spending an excessive amount of time on a leisure activity to being as equally as important as both a literal bodily need for survival and earning a living to support yourself and/or your family? Damn, I wish I had your life where work and sleep are considered as enjoyable as your hobbies. Or you're just an idiot who made a stupid false equivalency comparison

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        • MonsteraDeliciosa

          Learn to read before you talk to me. He said: "Whenever an unreasonable amount of time is spent on an activity it's safe to say that it's bordering on abnormal, regardless of what that activity is"

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      • LloydAsher

        Working is working, sleeping is sleeping. Those two activities have nothing to do with wandering around in circles for hours. Hell even drugged up I couldn't be entertained for hours and hours by just thinking to myself.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    This is me to a tee, all the way down to the repeating phrases and talking to yourself.

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    • somthingnotrecognizable

      O ok, dunno if its normal tho but ty.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        It's not. Everyone who's ever spent a day with me says I make them nervous and scare the shit out of them at night, but at least you can take solace in knowing you're not alone.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Wouldn’t all that pacing bring you out of the daydream....

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  • Tinybird

    This is exactly what I do! I even made a post about it here once. Anyway, it is a great creative outlet and it is how I come up with all my stories, which I then write and plan on making animations. There is nothing wrong with doing this.

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    It sounds autistic. I think it’s time to consider a therapist.

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    • Tinybird

      being autistic doesn't mean you need therapy.

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    • allialli

      Excessive daydreaming isn’t a sign of autism, it’s a sign of ADHD. I’m not sure where you could’ve heard that.

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