Is it normal to pass out after blood test?
Today I went to go get a blood test, I had to fast so I wasn't aloud to eat or drink anything in the previous night or morning.
I was feeling fine, the lady took out about three vials of my blood and I was told to stand outside because I also had to do a breathing test.
After about a few minutes I started to feel dizzy, and everyones voices were getting muffled and it was starting to get difficult to stand. I passed out on the floor for a few seconds after that where the nurse gave me a soda and told me to lie there for a minute. I got better but I had to go to the doctors next door so they could check if I was okay and I was let go.
Nothing has happened like that in my life ever, I'm not scared of needles or blood, and I've had previous blood tests where I had to fast, so I don't know why it happened?