Is it normal to pay for a movie ticket strictly to use their darkened restroom?

Sometimes when I find myself out and about, I have to defecate. If I am too far from home, sometimes I will pay the $8.50 at a movie theater to get in and use their restroom. Mostly because of how dimly lit the restrooms are. I feel the $8.50 charge is worth it to take my time in a quiet, non crowded restroom. I realize some movies have a lobby where you need not pay to initially get in. However, I purposely choose the theaters where you have to pay first to even make it into the lobby for the nicer, darker, quieter restrooms.

Voting Results
25% Normal
Based on 44 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Short4Words

    No I've never thought of paying almost 9 dollars to shit.

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  • jethro

    What theaters do you go to? The theaters in my town have well lit restrooms.

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    • Semjase

      Down by South Center Mall (in Washington state).

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  • Goomats

    Why do you need a darker restroom? Also, how rich are you?

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    • Semjase

      Well I noticed that there is a question posted of "IIN to crap in the dark?" and like 200 people voted yes. So the dark part can't be that out to lunch. I guess people are trying to wrap their head around having to pay for it. But I'd much rather pay $ and be in a secluded, dark, restroom then a say a bathroom at a Taco Bell or something.

      When you say "rich", you mean just me or the entire family?

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      • Goomats

        Rich, I mean somehow you have enough money to take an expensive bowel movements as opposed to free ones.

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  • ucipher8

    Ive never heard of such genius before. I imagine you are a master of movie timetables - scheduling yourself at just the right time to avoid the crowds

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    • Semjase

      I mean it get's to a point where i really have to go, so it's either picking a crappy McDonalds or something like that, or the nice, dimly lit, rarely crowded restrooms at the theater.

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      • ucipher8

        When i was in high school, there was a gas station close by where i would be late or cut class, just to take a shit in humane privacy. Nowadays, i make sure im awake early enough to do all my "business" on my own toilet before i go out and wreck someone else's.

        Also, the only reason i would put my ass on a mcdonalds toilet seat is if i was about to shit my pants.

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        • Semjase

          Excellent. However, it is satisfying to destroy someone else's toilet. Just knowing that it could have been my toilet (but isn't) satisfies.

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  • Arm0se

    Not "Normal", but I guess if you have the money to you can spend it however you like.

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  • Semjase

    Always on the hunt for new movie theaters. I admit I do feel guilty though when my heavy log lays across the hole (instead of the cone of the log going into the hole) and then just spins like a fan blade when I flush it. It just ends up streaking the entire bowl and doesn't go down.

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  • RoyRogers

    You do realize you can just ask or go in the other door that leads straight to the rest room. People have done it before. Generally there is a exit door that on the other end that goes straight to the rest room and does not pass the ticket booth. So you can just go in backwards or tell the ticket guy.

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    • Semjase

      Thanks for the tip but no can do at this particular theater based on the way it's set up.

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      • RoyRogers

        So ask the ticket guy if you can use the rest room. I have done it before and I just went in there to play at the arcade.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    and I like theater restrooms for the exact opposite reasons: well lit with music playing

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