Is it normal to play csgo 60 hours per week

Well.. as it says in the thing up there. Is it normal for a person to play a video game 60 hours per week?

Voting Results
19% Normal
Based on 21 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Rictictavie

    I enjoy video games, always have. 60 a week is too much even at your age. A good constructive hobby would be better than a job but either one is better than what you are doing.

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  • megadriver

    That's a lot bro... And that's coming from a guy who used to play through every game he had in one continuous playthrough when he was a kid... GTA 2, 3, VC, San Andreas, LC + DLC, Mass Effect series, stuff like CC Red alert 1,2, generals all the NFS games and a bunch of more nonsense...
    60 hours a week is a lot. That's like 9 hours gaming a day.

    I still enjoy games, even tho I got a job, my own business and stuff... But I rarely play more than 10 hours a week. Most times I even play less cause my girlfriend wants us to do something else than sit at home during the weekends.

    Go out more, have fun. Date girls, hang out with friends.
    Get a part time job, save money so you can buy a car/ modify the one your parents get you.

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  • Boojum

    If you can't limit the time you spend playing a computer game, you're addicted.

    No shame in that; they're designed to be addictive and to keep giving their junkies enough little hits of adrenaline and dopamine to keep them coming back for more.

    You asking this question implies that you might be at the stage of recognising that you have a problem. If you were spending 60 hours a week watching some crap reality TV show, you'd have to be a total idiot to believe that was a positive way to spend your limited time on earth. What you're actually doing really isn't that different.

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  • Reffotsirk

    Im just 14 and I have summer break..

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  • IrishPotato

    I guess you need to play something with a potato PC.

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    • Reffotsirk

      My computer has a valur of 2500$

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      • IrishPotato


        My fucking toaster can run CSGO fluently.
        You threw away 2400 considering if you would buy a $100 used PC from some granny you'd get the exact same results in frames and graphics.

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        • Hello_Me_Again

          You're the guy that only plays games for graphics aren't you? It's pointless to debate, but it's kinda sad how you're reacting. CS:GO is a competitive game, you play it because it's competitive not because it looks good.

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          • IrishPotato

            Oh god no, I play games for quality.

            Repetitive drivel is not that.

            That and skins prices are retarded.

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            • Hello_Me_Again

              It's all your opinion man, but CS:GO is huge, all competitive games need to be 100% consistent, which is repetitive, if you don't like it than don't play. Nothing wrong with owning a 2.5k PC and playing CS

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  • throw_away

    Something like 10-20 hours max would be more the norm. You should reserve time to play on Friday nights or weekends, and try to spend your other time doing another hobby, maybe one more active

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