Is it normal to poo in funny places in the restroom just for the laugh
Makes me giggle everytime I imagine the person's reaction who finds it.
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Makes me giggle everytime I imagine the person's reaction who finds it.
I had to clean up poop in my restaurants bathroom one time.... I was ready to kill whoever did it. Pooping anywhere but the toilet is not okay.
Well, if your not trolling, it would be to your best interest that you do not engage in such gruesome behaviour. How funny is it that a low paid person has to clean up your fecal matter out of the floor? If you wanna live in a civilized society then you must abide by the rules. Go live in the jungle or whatever. Anyway, you need medical attention, get treatment soon.
I can recall a dude who got caught doing that in a laundromat once when someone opened the door while he was in there. The owner dragged him out of there and the customers beat him up.
Try shitting in your own mouth next time. Imagine the reactions you'd get.
I have been a maid and I can tell you the reaction, it's this: "Fuck, I can't believe some asshole did this to me, I dont make enough money for this shit! Cunts!" But some of us have families to take care of so we do it, we clean up after assholes like you. There is a special place in hell for you.
Well why don't invite me over to your house, I'll poop on your expensive sofa and Taylor Swift across your floors so I can enjoy your reaction.
in my synagogue in the stall i used to just pull down my pants and spin in a circle and pee. I was maybe 9 I only did that 2-3 times. never anything weird with poop
I had a friend in highschool that did stupid shit like that. He shit in he handicap elevator, he shit in The back of the principals f350, he shit on the security guards golf cart seat. Not all at once mind you, but he was just like that, would shit wherever he thought was funny.