Is it normal to prefer cats to dogs for no apparent reasons?
Though I do not hate dogs, I always prefer cats. When asked why, I simply do not have any answers even if I think over it really hard. It’s like an inherent feeling
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Though I do not hate dogs, I always prefer cats. When asked why, I simply do not have any answers even if I think over it really hard. It’s like an inherent feeling
When I have a dog I love dogs but I hate how they lick themselves and lick everything. You always hear them slurping and they want to be near you. Cats are cool because they will fuck off more.
Some people like dogs more, some like cats. Some people like Mexican food, others prefer Chinese food.. Pretty normal.
Yeah, it's normal to have preferences. It might be their looks or personality. I like both, but prefer dogs.
My reasoning for liking cats over dogs is rather simple, albeit a stupid one. It's just more common to find hyper dogs, and hyper dogs annoy me.
I can never bring myself to like cats.
In fact I'm one of those people who just cannot stand them.
I love dogs, but I really love dog-like cats... and cat-like dogs not so much.
It’s kind of weird you can’t think of a single reason WHY you prefer cats. Do you think they’re cuter? Do you like that they’re more independent? Do you like that they’re less work? Do you have more experience with cats? Do you find their personality more relatable? Is there something about dogs you maybe DISLIKE?