Is it normal to prefer non-fiction over fiction books?

Fellow readers seem to think of "reading" as meaning fiction-type books - novels or short stories. I've always headed straight for the encyclopaedic-type books at the library or book store (like a kid in a candy store).

Books on inventions, cooking, mechanical engineering textbooks (to look at the technical drawings), anatomy, art, drawing, logic, public speaking, religions, sociology, geography, culture, etc. All subjects are interesting and useful in some way.

I'm not terribly fond of fiction except classic or important works, like Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Mark Twain, CS Lewis, Arthur Conan Doyle, etc. The Hunger Games trilogy was pretty good too.

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83% Normal
Based on 18 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • unionclocks

    Preferences are preferences.

    Most of the reading I tend to do is non-fiction because my passion is an academic subject...and i'm not a huge reader to begin with, so most of my reading goes towards non-fiction because of that.

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  • arthurtheaardvark99

    This is probably the most normal question I have seen on this website.

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  • Justmehere

    Most fiction doesn't interest me. I read a lot of bios, sports, history, and business. Only fiction I can get into sometimes is Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. They make you think out of the box and challenge you.

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  • DerHaifisch

    Everything related to space, inventions and to history used to grab my attention and hold it hostage. Last few years though I tend to fixate mostly on history, and specifically typical but ackeward human behavior that is "unexpected in the past". History really is filled with weirder stuff than one would dare to put into a fiction story sometimes.

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  • wigz

    I almost only read non fiction anymore since about 15 years ago. Dean Koontz ruined it for me. Plus I just like to learn.

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  • ZaneT

    Better than those Harry Potter, Davinci Code, Shades of Gray books anyday. Novels written by backroom committee ghost writers etc. At least you're learning something useful by reading non- fiction on a variety of subjects.

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  • CreamPuffs

    It's certainly normal, although not my personal choice.

    Also, "religion" and "non-fiction" should not be used in the same post unless "not" is included once between them.

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    • NiceGuy2017

      Just because you do not believe in religion does not give you the right to tell others not to believe it or consider it fiction. Its nicer to stick to your personal choice.

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      • Also: religion is non-fiction because the category refers to works written about it, not the source texts themselves. Those are usually kept in a "Reference" section.

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        • CreamPuffs

          I know that! It was just a joke! I know you were referring to the works written about it, and I should have made that clear. I sincerely apologize.

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    • Religion is a non-fiction topic. I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but either way I'm not interested in denigrating it.

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