Is it normal to put your trash in your neigbours can

our cans are always full so is it ok to put some in the neibours if theirs isn't full?

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55% Normal
Based on 31 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Some guy tried to put their trash on my property a few months ago. I opened the bag, found an envelope with their address on it, walked to that house with the bag, and dumped it in their front yard. Another neighbor tried to pull the exact the same shit on my property two months later, I looked at my parents surveillance footage, went to that house with the bag, and also proceeded to dump it out in that person's yard. Both times I was in a lot of physical pain and I tend to act pretty ghetto when I'm in that state.

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    • dirtybirdy

      I'm waiting for the day I catch the bitch who let's her dog shit on my yard. And my neighbors yard. Any lawn on my street basically. I'm gonna shove that shit so far down her throat and make sure some gets in her eyes. I can't wait!

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        *takes out my iPod and records a reminder*
        Note to self: Never make Dirtybirdy mad.

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      • megadriver

        I hate that... I know a hag that lets her dog shit in my yard too. I did get my revenge tho... I deflated all four tires on her car and told her if she and her dog are in my yard again, things will get serious.

        Needless to say, she doesn't let her dog go in our yard.
        She even greets me on the street XD

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        • dirtybirdy

          It's just such a...I can't think of a better word than shitty thing to do. At another house I lived in, there would be the occasional elephant shit on my front yard. There weren't too many dogs in the hood that could have produced those monstrous turds. Throwing that poo would have caused serious damages.

          Oh, and good work on the tire deflation and whatnot. I could do a fly by and duece up her hoopdie.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Holla! Kickin ass and talkin names. Command respect!

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      • RoseIsabella

        I wish I had security cameras in my courtyard, cause I get mad when randoms come ringing the doorbell and knocking at my door for bullshit. I know that's outta the blue, but today I feel cray cray.

        Okay, enough about me. I guess you could set up security cameras and confront this punk ass biatch. I hope a California condor swoops down on your neither and drops a big, wet, steaming poo on him or her.

        Additionally you could videotape this person and post the tape on YouTube. Poo is an interesting thing, because I clean cat poo out of the litter box everyday and it's a borderline privilege, because my cat is so awesome! I have a doggie crush on my sister's toy poodle and I think his poos are cute, but she religiously picks up after him. Then there are those vile massive phantom poos that are left behind by dogs with whom I am not acquainted. Is it the size, color or consistency that I abhor, or is it merely the poo itself? Regardless I want to find those lazy, selfish people who are connected to the poo and rub their noses it it, but alas they escape me every time.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          speakina crazy hoa's and dawgshit...

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's kind of a trashy thing to do.
    If you don't have enough space for yourself in your own trash can no one else should be obliged to accommodate you. You pull that shit in my neighborhood and someone will report you to the HOA. I personally think you should keep your garbage to yourself.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      how yall like a hoa neighborhood?

      ive heard terrible shit bout em and how they makes peoples into pettyass dictators

      if i was in one id prolly end up rentin a bulldozer and goin to town on em

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      • RoseIsabella

        I rather enjoy it. Sometimes people are petty and annoying, but it's worth it in the end because a lot of people are terrible neighbors, and the HOAs keep them in line via, threatening letters and fine. People who don't want to cooperate eventually just move, but there are some horror stories.

        Personally I think good fences make good neighbors. There's not enough space here in Las Vegas, people have small backyards, it can get cramped and personally I like a lot of space, I cherish my peace and privacy.

        Oops, I forgot to mention the worst thing about HOAs is they get on you about picking up your dog poop and also the monthly cost of paying the HOA.

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    • dirtybirdy

      I hate when I have my cans up by the street and people put their dog shit in it. Damn it people! Don't give me your shit!!!

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      • RoseIsabella

        See people like that are really shitty they should put their dog shit in their own shitty garbage cans.

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        • dirtybirdy

          I'll TP their house. That'll show them shitty assholes!

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          • RoseIsabella

            When the shitty gets tough the tough get shitty.

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  • 213

    i think its cool if you had good relationship with your neigbour.

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  • creampawf

    Seems like something Homer Simpson would do to Ned Flanders, but sure. Why not?

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  • howaminotmyself

    It is kind of inconsiderate....really inconsiderate.

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