Is it normal to quit your study for 925$ monthly

Would you quit your study for a 925$ job? 7 hours working daily

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 8 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Wolflord

    You can always go back to school and continue your studies, i know of many people that are in their 30s and 40s who have atended university just to learn something new. It's never too late to go back to school. Enjoy your well paying job, and learn something new, perhaos cooking, studying a musical instrument. Don't let a job opportunity go away simply because your friends or family want you to go to school first. That way of thinking is what keeps many people from truly striking an opportunity when it's hot. At the end of the day it's your choice. My choice was to continue working making a lot of money and then starting my own business. All of us walk our own paths.

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  • yesnomaybeso

    If I needed the money, I'd take a break, work for a year maybe, and then go back to studying.

    I mean, that's roughly $6 per hour, which isn't a perfect deal to be honest!

    I'd say keep studying if you dont need the money.

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  • Murun

    Keep studying, at least until you learn the dollar sign goes before the number, not after.

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    • Wolflord

      In other countries the currency sign goes after the number, maybe you should keep studying. "before they were abolished, the signs for the Portuguese escudo and the French franc were placed in the decimal position (i.e., 50$00 or 12₣34)"
      before you answer any questions on this site, I would suggest you read about the topic at hand, otherwise you end up looking like a retard.

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      • Murun

        I was referring to current use of the Dollar sign, not the history or use of other countries' currencies.

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        • Wolflord

          fair enough.

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