Is it normal to read words wrong, and continue to do so, without noticing?
Note, I've never actually talked about this with anyone just because it doesn't hinder my learning or understanding at all, it just makes me look like an idiot sometimes.
Sometimes when I'm reading anything I tend to mix up or completely skip letters when I pronounce, spell, or read them in words. I actually can't come up with many instances off the top of my head, but certain words like unnecessary I legit can't spell without looking it up. Sometimes it's just smaller words like foil that I'll mis-write as 'foli', or phrases like 'with the' that I mis-write as 'withe'. And as someone who's had pokemon centered around most of their life, I always seem to mess up the name because of overlooking letter placement and will legit not notice until someone says the name out loud (I remember two I had trouble with were kecleon and suicune).
I'm wondering if anyone else does this, and if it's normal. It doesn't hinder me at all so I'm not worried about it, just curious