Is it normal to really want to visit the past?

I dunno why but I REALLY want to visit different era's of the past and experience history for myself. I dont want to interact or anything, just walk around and observe it.

I've never been good in history class nor cared for it, but I just want to experience it!! I feel that what we have been taught or the information that is available isn't great nor all the way truthful.

I cant express how bad I wish I could just go back in time and see the lifestyle, fashion, slang talk, social life, etc was like. I also wish we could live longer to experience more life changes!

Anyone else feel the same?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • newnormal

    Believe me you are in the best years of the world. The past was filled with violence and diseases that could kill you in your prime.

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  • rocketdave

    I'm now 71, the kids of today think my childhood was in historic days!

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  • I read an article recently, a college in the US I think developed a working theory that time travel would not induce any grandfather paradoxes, time/probability (quantum mechanics influence on the macro scale perhaps?) will still play out in a "similar way"

    So then that opens the ability to travel to a time before the time machine was made, right?

    So who knows, maybe we could go back to like, 5000 BC and bring in technology or maybe even further back (before people controlled land?) but then I wonder if we would succumb to some force of dichotomy, something that would have to bring us down at some point to compensate for the influence (even quantum computers at our current capacity would do A LOT running for 7000 years, not factoring in advancements)

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would love to go back in time to the point at which my sister's toy poodle first developed diabetes, and insist on her taking him to the veterinarian to get all of his bloodwork done. I would pay for it myself, or beg our parents to pay for it if it was too expensive. I would do everything in my power to make sure that little dog got an early diagnosis, and get started on the necessary medication, or insulin if needed. I would do anything in my power to prevent that little dog from going blind from diabetes! It's a miracle that he's still alive, but I would love to for him to get his eyesight back!

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  • LloydAsher

    Well I'm white and I can speak english so anywhere Britain or american controlled within the late 1700 century onward should be fine. I'm not going further than that since english is a progressive language and speaking modern english would be difficult to understand and vice versa with early modern english.

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